Sunday 13 March 2011


So sorry to hear about AP McCoy and the horse 'Binocular'. That's got to be so gutting to be this close to a race and have the horse pulled out. It will be interesting to see what comes out of this story. I'm working at the Festival preview this evening, I'm sure there will be a lot of talk about it.

But back to the Big Charity Derby, I rode Princess again this morning. For the very definite last time before the race on Thursday. Rode out in proper racing breeches as well, just to get comfortable and used to the feel of them as they are made of so so wafer-thin material. Also (and this is a very female thing) I wanted to make sure I had the right undies to wear under them! Last thing I need to be worrying about on the day is people seeing my pants!!

Here are some photos from this morning, to keep you entertained:

In (almost) full paraphernalia
Princess and me
Team Chloe
Sophie, Princess and me
Going hell for leather with Michael Scudamore
Next time you see this will be in the Big Race!

I've also got a video for you, which really IS entertaining. Thanks go to Team Chloe for their not-so-helpful comments and encouragement!


Saturday 12 March 2011


Toby Stoate, from Stoate & Bishops Printing (, who did the lovely life-size posters for my charity party, has gone one more and very generously made up 100 limited edition TEAM CHLOE badges for people to wear as they come and support me at the Racecourse on St. Patrick's Day. See below:

So if you want one, come find either myself or Sophie (the Campaign Manager!) on Thursday 17th and you can have exchange for a generous donation to Cancer Research UK, of course!

Just working today, it's getting busy this close to the Festival. Also, I thought it was good to give my muscles a rest; I'm back on Ambrose Princess tomorrow for one last practise ride, though. Can't wait for that.

Friday 11 March 2011


Paddy Power have released all the odds on the Charity Derby riders. I'm on at 14-1 (all odds available here: Paddy Power website). Niamh Flynn and Rachael Wyse (us 3 Blondes!) are on at 14-1 as well. That should make it easy for anyone who's trying to remember whilst betting.

Off again to the gym tonight; I'm not sure if I should be pushing myself and feeling the burn like this, so close to the race. But it does make me feel as if I'm improving myself even now; it really makes me less nervous! It's the nerves that will end up hindering me if I let them - it's only 60,000 people I'm racing in front of, after all!

Thursday 10 March 2011


The racecard has finally come through! It's very exciting, especially as I'm number one on the card. Hopefully that's a good omen - just don't forget the number for when you go to the bookies!!

I haven't personally met any of the other charity riders yet, but one of them, Rodger Sargent, sounds like a lot of fun! Love his racecard bio:

"Rodger’s best moment of his life (so far) was winning the 2004 Mildmay of Flete with Tikram. He used to weigh 17 1/2 stone with a 42 inch waist and his aim is to get back to that after today. He was dragged off backwards by a running rail around his neck in his debut charity race in 2004 where he skidded 50 yards to a muddy halt at Market Rasen."

Back to the gym in earnest for this last week; up early to the gym for a 4k run and free weight training. Arms like jelly at the moment! Not long to go.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

VERY early start today at work, so there is no way that I could fit in any exercise. It looks like it may be a long day too, so perhaps training at all today is going to be an issue. May have to give it a miss completely. Shame...

David England
Was sad to hear of David England's bad fall in the novice chase at Exeter yesterday. Sounded horrendous from what a lot of people have been saying, but it seems he's on the mend, released from hospital and will be back on Friday (story here). That's great news and best wishes for your recovery, David!

Spoke to Ambrose Princess' trainer earlier. It seems she's all set and ready for action! I'm riding her for the last time before the race on Sunday. I'm so looking forward to it, but at the same time I realise how close it is!! But it's great to hear that Princess is raring to go; that bit more confidence could make all the difference!

My donations page:

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Got back on the proverbial and literal horse today. Decided that I can do as much conditioning as I want, but it can't beat actually developing my skill on horseback! However, I suppose at this stage, so close to the race, I should have enough skill already or else I can be legitimately worried!!

I rode out one lot at Nigel Twiston Davies' yard ( It all went really well and so smoothly. That's always really good when there's nothing much to report riding-wise; it makes me more and more settled about racing a horse as I get more comfortable going on frequent rides.

Boxercise class
Yet more Boxercise torture to come tonight, I'm just going to set off for it. It's so worth it though! Probably increased my fitness and agility (which is necessary on a horse) more than any number of 4k runs.

Thanks for donations today go to Ann Stanley from the HR Dept. at the Jockey Club ( Work colleagues have really been pulling for me with all of this and supporting me with their donations. I hope I do you all proud!

Monday 7 March 2011

Had to give myself a big day off yesterday. My legs were so tired and shaky when I got out of bed in the morning, I could barely walk down the stairs, let alone go riding or run on a treadmill! The mechanical horse that I've been going on at the Racecourse was really tough and I think doing it a couple of days in a row of that and a workout on Saturday really didn't give me enough time to rest.

With that in mind, I didn't really want to go riding today. It might do more harm than good! So I went to the gym and did some conditioning; nothing to strenuous but just keeping the fitness levels up and preparing for the Big Race, which is only ONE WEEK away!

There's been a bit of a shake-up to the race line-up as well. It seems the competition is changing! With Gordon Elliott being unable to compete, new rider Jamie Insole, (who's only 16!)  nephew of the national hunt jockey William Kennedy, is very bravely stepping into the fray at the last minute. I'm nervous about the race, so I can only imagine how he's feeling with such a short time to go!

Also, I'd like to say a big thank you to Vikki Daynes in the Accounts Dept. at the Racecourse ( It's wonderful that I'm still receiving donations for Cancer Research UK (, despite reaching the target; it's a great feeling to able to help in such a big way with everyone's suppport.

Friday 4 March 2011

Just a quick update on what I've been up to exercise-wise. Got up this morning for a workout - putting in the 4k runs before work really wakes you up. Even, if the ensuing mad dash to the office feels like working out all over again! There's really been limited chance for me to keep the fitness going, whilst I've been riding horses and trying to develop my skill level.

Someone at the yard suggested that as I work at the racecourse, why don't I try the mechanical horse in the Hall of Fame. So (despite the fact that anyone can walk past and watch you!) I tried it out earlier in the week. To be honest I have no idea why it didn't occur to me before. Obviously, going full-pelt on a racehorse, on a course is completely different to the gallops that I've been doing; the mechanical horse was TOUGH!

The Cheltenham Racecourse mechanical horse
I woke up the next morning black and blue. It was quite enjoyable when I got used to it; although, I'll have to see if I say the same thing thundering over 7 furlongs on a real horse! It's made me appreciate all the hard work that goes into racing and the the effort all the Charity Derby riders have put in to make this a great race. Hopefully, we won't disappoint and we'll raise a lot of money for Cancer Research UK (

On that note, I just checked my Just Giving ( and even though my target's been smashed, you're all being incredibly generous and still giving. Thank you so much!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Princess and me
The legendary Kauto Star
There have been a few good omens about the Big Race, that I've noticed. But the most striking of all was pointed out to me by my good friend Francis Keogh, and now I can't stop thinking it whenever I look at Ambrose Princess! She looks the spitting image of one of the greatest living racehorses; Kauto Star.

Except, of course, Princess is teeny in comparison - like a travel version! Let's hope the resemblance really does bode well and she's goes around the Cheltenham course as well as Kauto has done!

You may have noticed that I've been really excited about a couple of recent photo shoots; one was released last Saturday in the Echo's Weekend supplement. But the one I've been really dying to get my hands on was a shoot we did for Cotswold Style magazine (

The shoot was shot at racing legend Jonjo O'Neill's yard and was based around the racing season (isn't everything in the Cotswolds at this time of year?!) and fashion that we could wear. CS very kindly allowed me to be a model to raise awareness for Cancer Research UK ( and the Big Race. It was so beautifully done and the clothes were stunning - I was just anxious to see it in print.

Well, thankfully it really didn't disappoint! The March issue came out yesterday and the photos look really spectacular, thanks to the ever talented Spencer McPherson (, who also managed to come support us at the benefit party a couple of weeks ago. It was a surreal and nerve-wracking experience to be working alongside the professional models, but I'd definitely do it again! Here are some photos for you to have a peek:

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Not really much going on today apart from the awful ache that Boxercise (from last night) inflicts! So I thought I'd treat you to a few more casual pics of Ambrose Princess, because she's gorgeous and I'm so excited to ride her:

Getting acquainted!

With Sophie 'Campaign Manager' Scarrott

Showing us her best side!

Out into the cold

Don't we look good together?!

Princess is small, but good things come in small packages!

I'll probably hit the gym later for my 4k run. But to be honest, I'd much rather be out on Princess. Oh well, not long now.

Thanks for all your support! I've smashed my target on my Just Giving Page! But, as always, Cancer Research UK is a fantastic cause, so any donations are still incredibly welcome.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

More riding out at Nigel Twiston Davies' ( today and was given some help and tips by the Assistant Head Lad, Richard Bevis (Sparky). Some advice I've been given is to use the the mechanical horse at work (!!) during lunch breaks. It seems that working at Cheltenham Racecourse is going to come in really handy! So I'm thinking of starting that tomorrow.

Richard 'Sparky' Bevis
I have to say, I am so grateful to the Nigel, Fergal O'Brien and the rest of the team at Grange Hill Farm for their support and advice. It can't be easy to try and train up an amateur for a race watched by 60,000 people. Thank you so much guys!

It's getting so much closer now. It's the last real push for fitness. So I'm off to slog at the gym. Boxercise tonight; which guarantees pain! But results as well, so it's worth it. I'm also dragging my friend Nicola with me, I hope she doesn't hate me for it!